Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Here are a few sites dedicated to recasting Old St Nick in a dark light. In particular, the photos of kids shrieking in unholy terror at Santa Claus are personal faves. Every December these sites pop up and they're always good for a chuckle. I remember my youngest sister exploding into tears every time a costumed Snoopy came by the table at the local Ground Round (a steak joint that was popular in the 70s). Her primal fear, I'm sorry to say, was the source of much laughter.

Luckily, my son, Nate has never been afraid of costumed characters like Santa etc. Instead, he first tries to get their undivided attention and when that doesn't work, attempts to get a peek at the poor shlub inside earning 10 bucks an hour to have kids torment him.

Anyway, for the Scrooge in all of us:
  1. Scared of Santa
  2. Santa's evil Finnish twin?
  3. Santas on a rampage.
  4. The evil Santa Generator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the Ground Round. They had a basket of peanuts to snack on before your meal. You could throw the empty shells on the floor. Or at your siblings.

My sister wasn't afraid of costumed characters but she was deathly afraid of the standing laundry hamper in my parent's bedroom so I can relate to the primal fear/laughter-for-everyone-else thing.