Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The concept of customer service in this country is a joke. Customer call centers are probably the best (but far from only) example of the "shut up and give us your money" mentality of corporate America.

One of my biggest pet peeves of this 'brave new economy' is the endless succession of menu choices corporations throw at you before answering your damn question. In essence they are making you work for them. Instead of hiring an operator who will direct your call to the proper department they want you to do the job instead. Then after suffering through one choice after another you get to enjoy a 5-7 minute wait (if you're lucky). If you get disconnected, you have the pleasure of starting the whole torturous process over again.

This phone cheat website (the gethuman database) has been a godsend... for me, anyway. Skip the endless push-button selections and head straight for the customer rep (sometimes even an account manager). While covering my tracks after my recent email account theft, this site's info was invaluable, saving me countless hours of wasted time in corporate phone trees.

This is why the Internet is such a wonderful and vital tool ...and net neutrality is a must! Can you imagine corporations allowing this site to exist if access to the web was controlled by companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon? Not likely. Support net neutrality any way you can and punish any elected official who seeks to undermine it.


Anonymous said...

There is also ivrhacks which is a database of US, UK, Australian and Canadian shortcuts to company IVR systems.

Jeff Meyers said...

Thanks for the heads up!