Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm skipping the political rants today and instead using the Internets the way they were intended... to point you toward meaningless junk. Enjoy or ignore at your own risk...

1. No place on Earth understands the sanctity of Easter like San Fransisco. Which begs the question WFTWJD (What Fabulous Thing Would Jesus Do?). Photos here.

2. Great Moments In American Justice. In this episode we visit Texas, where leaving the scene of an accident is punishable by whatever we feel like doing to you.

3. The darkside of Craigslist.

4. When I lived in Portland, OR there were several incidents of wealthy residents deciding to chop down 200 year-old trees because they obstructed their hilltop views. The trees were on public property and it was illegal to harm them but that didn't stop these asshats from chainsawing, poisoning or hacking them down. Because the city couldn't pinpoint specifically who was to blame, the bastards got away with it. Now comes this story from Australia where a local city council came up with a terrific response.

5. Evil Grannies. What more do you need to know?

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