Thursday, June 07, 2007

The History Of The Vietnam War ...Porn-style

Some people are just too damn funny.


Anonymous said...

Now there is some entertainment! Although you did write porn style, but there was no sex. I mean it ends with the promise of things to come, but no money shot. Not that I am so much into the money shot. Come to think of it, what is the female equivalent of the money shot? I'll leave this in your readers' capable hands. Someone get back to me, OK?

Anonymous said...

I am not an animal!

I mean aonymous!

Am I not a woman?

I am Rhonda.

Jeff Meyers said...

I think the female equivalent of the money shot is expensive jewelry.

Of course, there are all those "squirt" videos. Not that I've ever seen one but I've heard about 'em.