Sunday, December 28, 2008
Is a UK band that does wonderful instrumentals that create lush, entertaining and unexpected sonic landscapes. I love to write to their albums. This video does a good job of capturing the span of their music.
LEMON JELLY Spacewalk from Mario Cavalli on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
When book burning draws too much attention, why not just tear out the 'naughty bits' from library books? Students at New Rochelle School High School discovered that library books have had chunks torn out of books like Girl Interrupted by the school district. After the all, the last thing these educators would want is for students to actually think for themselves.
Why is this country so fucked up?
Read about it here.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sarah Palin 'pardons' a turkey as part of a Thanksgiving Day media event ...then proceeds to chat with reporters as less worthy turkeys are brutally slaughtered behind her.
Oddly enough, it reminds me of that moment in the debates when she completely ignored Joe Biden's story about his losing his wife and child in a car crash.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My buddy Jeff S sent me this video which he descibes as horrible and wonderful at the same time. I couldn't agree more.
I laughed.
I cringed.
It became a part of me.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Chickens enforce barnyard peace before things get ugly.
And there's nothing uglier than a full on rabbit gang war.
Animal videos
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball!
Fun for terrorists of all ages!
Read about it here.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
This is totally why I'm voting for this guy.
Monday, November 03, 2008
It's rare that you get to see a real witch on Halloween.
This one lives in Grosse Pointe Farms, about 45 miles from my home.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
If you don't know who Jack Chick is, he's a a California-based cartoonist who draws comic tracts that espouse Protestant evangelism.
You know, fire & brimstone-you're-going-to-hell-because-you-masturbated kinda stuff. Probably a lot like the stuff Sarah Palin's church pushes. (You knew I'd find a way to dis her in this post, didn't you?)
And now he's got an animated cartoon for my fave, Somebody Goofed.
I, for one, can't wait for the Christmas variety special.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Some say Palin didn't deserve this. I say, if you cant handle a couple of radio pranksters from Montreal how in the world are you going to handle Al Quaeda?
Of course, all French do sound the same.
Listen and savor the mockery... (loved her response to "I loved the documentary about your life, Nailin' Palin")
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
...and so does Andy Griffith and the Fonz. Really.
See it for yourself.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You all recognize Shepard Fairey's Obama campaign poster (first printings now selling on EBay for $10, 000), yes?
Well, it's inspired an avalanche of outakes, spoofs, political comment and naked racism. Here's a gallery.
Some are brilliant. Some are appalling. Some made me laugh so hard milk spurted out of my nose.
Still, it's fascinating to see how people riff on pop culture at the speed of light.
Here are a few of my faves...
Monday, October 27, 2008
I guess when you spend $150, 000 on wardrobe you don't have time to think about what it is you're actually wearing. (check the scarf)
Local blogger Mark Maynard says, "I suspect there’s a gay salesperson at Saks laughing his ass off right now."
Go Dems!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"Wassup" was one of the most annoying commercial ideas from 2000. Thank you Budweiser. Don't know what I'm talking about. Watch this. Or read about it here.
Now, what makes the video you're about to watch (below) so brilliant is how the filmmakers reunited the cast to make a pointed political statement.
I love the creativity that has come --directly & indirectly-- with Obama's campaign.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Now, if I were tripping on acid and noticed this it'd totally freak me out.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
These two articles make a good case for Palin's suspicion and resentment of anyone who might be smarter than her.... which is a whole heckuva lot of people. Let's not forget it took her 6 years in 5 colleges to finally get a Bachelor's degree in Sports Journalism from Idaho State.
But in Sarah's world that's the same as Barack Obama graduating top of his class at Harvard Law, being the first African-American to head up Harvard's Law Review and his subsequent years teaching Constitutional Law. After being raised by a single mom on food stamps.
Anywho, The New Republic has a terrific article called "Barracuda" that offers an eye-opening profile.
Here's an excerpt:
And then there's Andrew Sullivan's observation that:In 1996, Palin was also asserting herself more and more. For example, she'd demand to know why Stein, the mayor, had "raised the budget." Stein and Carney tried to explain that he'd done nothing of the kind--that, when a city grows, businesses collect more in tax revenue, but that new residents also increase demand for public services. Palin wasn't appeased. She'd say things like, "'Oh, okay. Well, that's the way you think about it,'" Stein recalls. "I was thinking--these are things she should know better. Why is she asking me these stupid questions?"
Carney saw ulterior motives. During a break one evening, he stopped Palin as she was heading to the restroom. "Sarah, it sounds like you're running for mayor," he said, half-joking. Palin turned red and became visibly upset. "What makes you say that? I never said I was running for mayor." "You never denied it, " Carney responded. Palin just repeated herself and stomped off.
Within a few months, Palin was officially challenging Stein and exploiting the cultural shift masterfully. She welcomed a national anti-abortion group in to carpet bomb Wasilla with pink postcards affirming her pro-life bona fides. She orchestrated an NRA endorsement and a mailing from the group falsely proclaiming Stein, a lifelong hunter, "anti-gun." (Stein complained to the local newspaper that Palin was telling voters he wanted to "melt down" all the firearms in the state.) And, in a move practically out of
Karl Rove's playbook, she dwelled on how Stein's wife used her maiden name, going so far as to demand a marriage certificate as proof of their nuptials. Palin's campaign literature proclaimed her "deeply devoted to conservative family values"--all in the context of an ostensibly nonpartisan election. (Stein himself was a moderate Republican.)
Here's one way to look at the question: how has Palin brought up her own kids? Her eldest son is a high-school drop-out. Her eldest daughter has had, so far as one can tell from press reports, very uneven attendance in high school, and no plans for college. Her other daughters seem to spend a lot of time traveling the country with their mom at tax-payers' expense. I've seen them at several rallies with the Palins this fall. Are they not in school?
The least one can say is that none of her children seems to have been brought up thinking that college is something to aspire to. And her new son-in-law just dropped out of high school as well.
What makes people think this woman should be allowed anywhere near the White House? She's the Tanya Harding of politics. Except instead of working her ass off relentlessly to become a world class skater only to throw it all away by stabbing a teammate in the back, Palin skipped straight to the backstabbing part.
Look, I can sorta understand why Budweiser dudes want to bang her. She's got that naughty librarian thing going on. Go ahead, bang the hell out of her. Just don't vote for her.
P.S. It astounds me that Sarh Palin claims she's just like "small town" folks yet spends $150K in two short months on clothes for her campaign. That's as much as the average American makes in 4 years. Explain to me how she's just like Joe Six Pack?
He has a brilliant essay in The New Yorker that scorches the so-called undecided, those who just can't decide between Barack Obama or John McCain. A frined thinks it's really white people who don't want to admit that they'd never vote for a black man. Lord, I hope that ain't so.
Sedaris has a better line of reasoning. Here's a taste...
I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?
To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.
Read the rest here.
McCain's main spokesperson, NancyPfotenhauer, struggles to defend Sarah Palin's ignorance about the job she's running for. Contrary to the State of Alaska's CEO's explanation, the VP does NOT "get in there and work with the Senate to make policy". They only cast a vote if there is a tie.
That's it.
And they need to be ready to step in should the Prez be unable to fulfill the duties of his office.
Palin's been running alongside McCain for more than six weeks. Hasn't anyone given her a job desciption yet?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hustler is to release "Nailin’ Paylin." What's it about? Well, what do you think it's about. Truth be told, I'd rather guys buy this video than vote for that imbecilic freak.
...Jerry T. is set to direct, and porn star Lisa Ann will be taking on the role of Palin—er, “Paylin.” According to HUSTLER, “Nailin’ Paylin” is a “naughty adventure to the wild side of that sexy Alaska governor,” featuring “girl-on-girl lovin’,” “nailing the Russians, who come knocking on her back-door,” and a younger Palin getting seduced by her creationist college professor who “will explain a ‘big bang’ theory even she can’t deny!” Also included: a three-way hardcore sex scene starring porn stars as Palin/Paylin, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice. Of course, no political porn satire would be complete without a salute to Fox News—a Bill O’Reilly stand-in will announce the movie’s multiple sex scandals as they unfold.
PALIN: Who is it?
GRUFF MALE VOICE: It's JOE, the tanning-bed repairman.
(PALIN unlocks the door and opens it)
PALIN: Hiya! You were supposed to be here two hours ago, doncha know?
JOE: I'm sorry. My snowmobile broke down outside of Matunska. I had to walk the rest of the way.
PALIN: Well, you're in luck. I just baked a batch of chocolate-chip cookies. Why don't you come inside and I'll fix you a plate of 'em?
(JOE obliges. He takes a seat on the couch. PALIN enters the kitchen and returns shortly after with the cookies. She gives them to JOE, but not before looking him up and down.)
JOE: I have a big hammer.
PALIN: Oh, I betcha do. I love a big hammer. But I love screwdrivers, too! And wrenches. The fact is I love and respect all of America's diverse tools, big and small. They're what helps make us so great as a nation. Here, let me take that off for ya.
(PALIN takes a seat on the coach beside JOE and starts to undo his belt. He stops her.)
JOE: Let's go take a look at the tanning bed first.
PALIN: Oooh, okay.
(PALIN leads JOE to the tanning salon in the basement. JOE carefully inspects the machine.)
JOE: Looks like there are just a bunch of screws loose.
PALIN: (seductively) You're in luck. I fully support off-shore and on-shore drilling.
(PALIN pounces on JOE and throws him onto the top of the tanning bed. She quickly rips off his jeans.)
PALIN: God almighty! You are hung like a moose. Now I have to eat ya!
JOE: I'm bigger than a moose. Do you have any contraceptives?
PALIN: It's okay. I already took a morning-after pill.
JOE: Um, are you sure it works that way?
PALIN: Are you asking me if I know what a morning-after pill is? Because I totally do! I'll get back to ya with specifics.
(The two proceed to make furious love in a multitude of positions. PALIN amply demonstrates that she has enough experience.)
PALIN: Fuck me harder! HARDER! Pound me until my head is so empty that I can't even remember the name of the one Supreme Court case I actually know! I want it to burn. Burn like a banned book. Oh God, Oh God, OH MY GOD! MAKE ME SEE RUSSIA FROM HERE!
With all this talk about the Pro-American and Real American regions in our country why is it always Republican supporters who commit acts of violence and vandalism, and say the most awful things? Funny that. I guess that's just the way 'real Americans' express their patriotism.
Here are a few heart warming tales from the front...
1- Voting machines malfunctioning. Who woulda guessed? Explanation... the machines have problems with humidity. Good thing they're in a state like Florida, huh?
2- Obama sign replaced with a Confederate flag. Stay classy, Chester, Virginia!
3- Chicago Tribune endorses first Democrat for President. Ever.
4- Sarah Palin unable to correctly answer a third grader's question: What does the Vice President do? Apparently no one's told her yet.
5- RNC spends $150K on Palin's campaign wardrobe. Now there's someone who understands the plight of people struggling on a middle class income!
6- Guy in Ohio lynches Obama in effigy. Stay classy, Mike Lundsford!
7- Al Jazeera interviews Palin supporters. You don't see this on CNN.
8- So, who attends a Sarah Palin rally? Watch the video to witness how real Americans act. Don't you just love the guy who thinks Obama is a monkey? I think I just threw up in my mouth.
9- Finally, just who are the 15% of Americans who think the country is on the right track.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I'm not the biggest Family Guy fan (I always preferred The Simpsons) but I just may have to give the show another chance.
Plus, who knew Nazis loved caricatures so much?
Love the laser blast.
Show up at your liberal friend's Halloween costume party in one of these and you're guaranteed to make them pee their pants.
Make children cry, animals cower under furniture and the unAmerican parts of America quake in fear.
Free downloads of these mask are available right here. Get 'em while the getting's good!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Like why she thought it was okay to charge rape victims for their own rape kits? Or maybe, how we should evaluate "Alaska's CEO" (her quote) after leaving her former hometown $20 million in debt after serving as mayor (it had a $5 million surplus when she took office)? Or whether she thinks dinosaurs and man roamed the Earth together six thousand years ago?
The California Democratic Party came up with a brilliant way to ask Sarah Palin all those questions her faithful might forget to ask at a rally in LA on Saturday. They rented a giant electronic billboard and placed it across the street from the election stop, posting questions for Wasilla's most famous citizen.
The questions are submitted via text message or by going to this site and entering your own.
Live streaming video by Ustream
Don't you love technology?
If the video embed doesn't work go directly to the site.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
More Sarah Palin morsels of inanity. Remember it took her 5 universities to finally earn her BA in Communications from Idaho State U.
Which, in wingnut world, makes her just as inexperienced as Barack Obama, who graduated first in his class from Harvard and taught Consitutional Law.
1- Sarah Palin can't name a single supreme court decsion other than Roe Vs Wade (the only one that counts, apparently).
2- Sarah Palin believes the Flintstones was a documentary.
3- Sarah Palin is a spammer and digital secrecy scofflaw
4- Sarah Palin lies, lies lies.
It would be hilarious if so many people didn't think she'd be a great VP. Are they insane? Since when did we set the bar so pathetically low? The very thought makes me sick to my stomach. As much as I've despised George W Bush, I never thought the Republicans would actually find someone who is worse. They have.
Watch CBS Videos Online
I'll laugh when the election is over and Barack Obama is sworn in. Until then, these attempts to tickle my funny bone just aren't working. Maybe they will for you.- Computer Generated Sarah Palin Interviewer
- The SNL version of Palin Vs Couric. (with video & transcript)
- And these h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s photoshopped pix. 1, 2,
- John McCain's phone call asking Palin to be his running mate (actually, this did make me laugh).
- Bristol Palin's fetus speaks at the convention.
- Palin Blames Daughter's Pregnancy On the Media
Or these quotes from Levi Johsnton's MySpace page (Bristol's Baby Papa)
"I’m a f**kin’ redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some sh*t and just f**kin’ chillin’ I guess. Ya f*ck with me I’ll kick ass."
"In a relationship" "I don’t want kids.” But wants to use MySpace "for networking or for dating." "Love kids, but not for me."
Yep, this is about it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Spent the weekend at the Austin City Limits music festival. The Tex-Mex was a delicious, the bands were great and the air was painfully choked with dust. All-in-all a great time. Band highlights: Gogol Bordello (best show of the fest!), Beck, Connor Oberst, YeaSayer, and Spiritualized. The Swell Season struggled to deliver a set while one technical issue after another undermined them. Lead singer, Glen Hanshard, really tried to keep it together. I felt very bad for them.
Anyway, I'm really glad this didn't happen to me on the flight home.
I don't have HBO but if I did, I'd watch this show. Looks pretty funny.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
When I lived in Chicago, oh-so many moons ago, I used to devotedly read The Straight Dope in the Chicago Reader. However, when I moved to the West Coast, the weeklies didn't run Cecil Whatever-his-last-name-was (Adams?) twisted Mr. Answer column.
Recently, I stumbled across his fun-to-read web site. My favorite post so far is:
How would the U.S. military fight a zombie army?
Of all the world's problems, I think this might be most pressing.
Now, who would steal a sanwich that looked like this?
Monday, September 15, 2008
David Foster Wallace was one of those writers I appreciated and respected more than liked. A few years back I struggled to read Infinite Jest and gave up after the first hundred and fifty or so pages. It was impenetrably intellectual and, in my unsophisticated view, unrelentingly indulgent. But then again, maybe that's just a reaction to my own limitations as a reader. It's easy to say someone is being indulgent if you don't fully appreciate and understand their work. I should probably give the book another try some day.
Still, I can't help but think that writing is an act of communication... and if you can't communicate your ideas to me --and I'm a reasonably intelligent fellow-- then is the failure solely mine own? I can't stand Toni Morrison's writing for similar reasons. It's unnecessarily and arrogantly impenetrable. She seems to delight in the idea that people struggle to understand her work.
And so, I think she is a far inferior writer to Wallace. Hers seems to be the obfuscation of pretense. An ego-driven need to muddy the waters with faux poetry and indulgent digressions in order to distract the reader from her contrived and pedestrian narratives. Wallace, on the other hand, seemed to speak in his own argot. While his essays are cogent, intellectual dissections that betray his inner geek (read his critique of the Terminator 2 here), his fiction seems to stray into some uncharted part of his brain where stories and convoluted ponderings fuse. It's reminiscent of Thomas Pynchon, a type of unconscious regurgitation that erupts and undulates with ideas. Unlike Pynchon, however, Wallace seemed less married to narrative thrust or an inner storytelling pattern. Instead, he seemed to be simultaneously deconstructing and constructing his stories as they unfolded --never sure of which was more important. Then again, I've only read the one abandoned novel and waded through The Girl With The Curious Hair (which I quite liked). Maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
I do know I really enjoyed his collection of essays, Supposedly Fun Things I'll Never Do Again, for it's wide-eyed misanthropy, intellectual mockery and gamely amused embrace of conventional pasttimes. Wallace combatted irony in his writing (while infusing it with, well, irony), indicting those who peddled in irony as never caring enough to actually say anything of import or substance. In his own convoluted manner, he seemed to dare to suggest that there is virtue in sincerity.
And if only for that, I admire him.
Yesterday, Wallace hung himself. I'll never quite understand what drives someone who obviously burns to create to destroy themselves. Don't they have more stories they want to tell? Or did it become a burden to try to tell them?
I felt the same way about Kurt Cobain and Elliot Smith. Didn't they have more songs they wanted to write, to sing. For Kurt, wasn't it worth staying alive just to see his child safely into adulthood? Even if these men's creativity is spurred on by mental dysfunction (manic depression or whatever), you have to wonder what biological imperative required them to flip off the switch.
And so, no irony. I'm a little sad. Sad for Wallace's wife who discovered his body. Sad for Frances Cobain, who never got to know her father. Sad for all the stories and songs that won't be created. Sad for the joy or peace or insight or solace they would have brought to readers and listeners.
God knows we can all use a little of all those things.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Below are a cluster of stories that further convince how insane our country and, in particular, our government has become under George Bush and the Republicans. See, in the name of safety, we have allowed these thugs to corrupt the basic principles of civic rights and undermine the concept of a free and respectful society.
As an added bonus I've included more evidence as to why Republicans are not to be trusted. Ever.
1- Fourth grader suspended from school for possessing a broken pencil sharper. No, really.
The boy -- a fourth-grader described as a well-behaved and good student -- cried during the meeting with his mom, the deputy and the school's assistant principal.
Here's the police report for this insanity.
2- Police conduct baseless no-knock marijuana raid on home, throw family on the floor at gun point and kill their two labrador retrievers.
Turns out it's the home of Cheye Calvo, mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland. Listen to a podcast of the chilling events.
3- Michigan Republicans try to take away your vote if your house goes into foreclosure. Gee, guess which population is most vulnerable? Is there no limit to how low these scumbags will stoop to steal an election?
"We will have a list of foreclosed homes and will make sure people aren’t voting from those addresses,” party chairman James Carabelli told Michigan Messenger in a telephone interview earlier this week
Simply dispicable.
4- House burns to the ground in Texas after officials turn off the hydrants to protect community from potential terrorists.
5- I mentioned it a couple of days ago but Sarah Palin's town, Wasilla, used to charge rape victims to have evidence gathered. It was the ONLY community in Alaska to do this and it became policy after she became Mayor. It took the state's legislature and Tony Knowles, the Democratic governor she defeated, to finally ban this appalling practice. Palin's hand-picked police chief was quoted as being displeased with the ban. Gee, what a feminist.
Roger Ebert weighs in on Sarah Palin.
Here's a taste.
You don't need to be a pointy-headed elitist to travel abroad. You need curiosity and a hunger to see the world. What kind of a person (who has the money) arrives at the age of 44 and has only been out of the country once, on an official tour to Iraq? Sarah Palin's travel record is that of a provincial, not someone who is equipped to deal with global issues.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Turns out the woman responsible for the rainbow conspiracy video has an entire YouTube channel dedicated to the vast conspiracy of weird experiments that are being perpetrated on an unsuspecting populace every day.
Visit her site and get your self educated! OR watch this shocking video.
And in case you're wondering what she means when she talks about High Frequency Active Auroral Research, click here.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Another video gem courtesy Jeff S. Much like those who believed fluoride would rob us of our precious bodily essence, this woman has unearthed yet another insidious plot to pollute our water supply. Watch and tremble.... if you dare!
Insane Rainbow Conspiracy Lady - Watch more free videos
Monday, September 08, 2008
And only a small sample what's wrong with this frightening candidate. Like, did you know she supported requiring rape victims to pick up the cost of their rape testing kits. Nice. Or maybe that she was overheard at a local diner saying, "Sambo beat the bitch," when Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton.
Nothing says partiot like a corrupt, bigoted, insensitive, Christian fascist.
Yup. Another example of classic theater I simply must see. Don't know how, don't know when... but I need to experience this play. Preferably after eating three or four items from the list of 100 thing you have to eat before you die.
When does it debut here? Never. Ford won't sell it here.
Bacon flavored vodka.
Imagine Homer Simpson salivating here.
But will vegetarians drink it?
No really. Read all about it here.
There's even an unsettling picture.
This is the stuff of nightmares for my kids.
-Sarah Palin
This guy's commentary is a bit insufferable but it's worth it to see the commercial for Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla.
Then there's this winner, where she addresses the congregation and says a gas pipeline is God's will.
But the thing that probably disturbs me most is this picture of our VP Wannabe... which will, no doubt, bring in the all those neanderthals who've been breathing in stock car fumes for the last decade.