More Sarah Palin morsels of inanity. Remember it took her 5 universities to finally earn her BA in Communications from Idaho State U.
Which, in wingnut world, makes her just as inexperienced as Barack Obama, who graduated first in his class from Harvard and taught Consitutional Law.
1- Sarah Palin can't name a single supreme court decsion other than Roe Vs Wade (the only one that counts, apparently).
2- Sarah Palin believes the Flintstones was a documentary.
3- Sarah Palin is a spammer and digital secrecy scofflaw
4- Sarah Palin lies, lies lies.
It would be hilarious if so many people didn't think she'd be a great VP. Are they insane? Since when did we set the bar so pathetically low? The very thought makes me sick to my stomach. As much as I've despised George W Bush, I never thought the Republicans would actually find someone who is worse. They have.
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I'll laugh when the election is over and Barack Obama is sworn in. Until then, these attempts to tickle my funny bone just aren't working. Maybe they will for you.- Computer Generated Sarah Palin Interviewer
- The SNL version of Palin Vs Couric. (with video & transcript)
- And these h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s photoshopped pix. 1, 2,
- John McCain's phone call asking Palin to be his running mate (actually, this did make me laugh).
- Bristol Palin's fetus speaks at the convention.
- Palin Blames Daughter's Pregnancy On the Media
Or these quotes from Levi Johsnton's MySpace page (Bristol's Baby Papa)
"I’m a f**kin’ redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some sh*t and just f**kin’ chillin’ I guess. Ya f*ck with me I’ll kick ass."
"In a relationship" "I don’t want kids.” But wants to use MySpace "for networking or for dating." "Love kids, but not for me."
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