Thursday, February 08, 2007


Okay, too much Diet Coke and not enough sleep makes Rustedeye a cranky blog.

I've been listening to my new band faves, The Divine Comedy. Their style is... well... kind of like a smart-alecky version of The Doors minus the psychedelia... mixed with Burt Bacharach.

I was actually turned on to them a few years ago and liked 'em fine but their recent albums have really gotten under my skin and tickled my funny bone. You can check out a couple of their tunes on their myspace page (To Die A Virgin is particularly terrific).

Here are few fun links to make up for yesterday's bile...

  1. So, You've Been Pushed Out Of Plane...

  2. "A rising tide drowns all boats..."

  3. Are you a breast man?

  4. Monty Python's Star Trek

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Hey Jeff,

    Tell us more about your new managing editor job!

    Your admiring fan, Rhonda
