Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them."
-PJ O'Roarke

So, anyone who knows me knows I grew up in a home that can only be described as Norman Rockwell-like. Especially if Norman Rockwell was a Mommie Dearest meets Lolita kinda guy.

Today's Rustedeye is dedicated to those parents who have the kind of child-rearing skills that produce America's finest Reality TV stars... or serial killers.... or Bush administration official.

BTW my apologies for being AWOL this last week. My new position as managing editor was a real trial-by-fire.

I'll do better next time. I promise...
Please, don't hit me, Mommy....
I said, I promise.
  1. Candidate #1 for parent of the year is Mr. Tennessee
  2. Candidate #2 for parent of the year is Ms. Atlantic City (she has potential written all over her.)
  3. And we have a winner! Say congratulations to Mr. Oregon!
  4. They took all the drugs, had all the sex then gave us Ronald Reagan, Rambo movies and "Just Say No." That's right, they're everyone's favorite generation: The Boomers!
  5. Two boys who stayed up late playing video games. A pair of loving parents. And a chainsaw. More moments in parental dickishness.

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