Tuesday, October 21, 2008


With all this talk about the Pro-American and Real American regions in our country why is it always Republican supporters who commit acts of violence and vandalism, and say the most awful things? Funny that. I guess that's just the way 'real Americans' express their patriotism.

Here are a few heart warming tales from the front...

Voting machines malfunctioning. Who woulda guessed? Explanation... the machines have problems with humidity. Good thing they're in a state like Florida, huh?

2- Obama sign
replaced with a Confederate flag. Stay classy, Chester, Virginia!

Chicago Tribune endorses first Democrat for President. Ever.

4- Sarah Palin
unable to correctly answer a third grader's question: What does the Vice President do? Apparently no one's told her yet.

5- RNC spends $150K on
Palin's campaign wardrobe. Now there's someone who understands the plight of people struggling on a middle class income!

6- Guy in Ohio lynches
Obama in effigy. Stay classy, Mike Lundsford!

7- Al Jazeera interviews Palin supporters. You don't see this on CNN.

8- So, who attends a Sarah Palin rally? Watch the video to witness how real Americans act. Don't you just love the guy who thinks Obama is a monkey? I think I just threw up in my mouth.

9- Finally, just who are the 15% of Americans who think the country is on the right track.

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