Monday, September 08, 2008


If I hear one more pinheaded right wing commentator talk about the "liberal" media I'm going to puke. Case in point: CNN asks... yes, they actually dedicated news time to this... Is Obama The AntiChrist?

Aside for the fact that we all know Dick Cheney is the freakin' AntiChrist, in what reality is this responsible journalism? When was the last time you saw ANY Republican get called the AntiChrist by a major news outlet? Never.

Boy, good thing the Left Behind authors were there to offer a balanced perspective:
"I can see by the language he uses why people think he could be the antichrist," adds LaHaye, "but from my reading of scripture, he doesn't meet the criteria. There is no indication in the Bible that the antichrist will be an American."

Most of the time I refrain from cursing in my blog but WHAT THE FUCK? Has our country and its news media gone FUCKING INSANE? When did we reenter the 11th Century?

Here's the embarrassing, insulting and just plain imbecilic clip...

For the record:

George Bush +AntiChrist = 294, 000 hits.
John McCain+AntiChrist = 489, 000 hits.
Sarah Palin+AntiChrist = 226,000.

Clearly, Obama is the most evil with 900,000 hits.

But wait...

Christians + idiots = 5,950, 000 hits.
Yup, that's 5 million.

CNN + idiots = 2,110,000 hits

Maybe there is something to this Google hits = truth formula after all.


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