Monday, September 08, 2008

"It was so cool gettin' saved."
-Sarah Palin

This guy's commentary is a bit insufferable but it's worth it to see the commercial for Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla.

Then there's this winner, where she addresses the congregation and says a gas pipeline is God's will.

But the thing that probably disturbs me most is this picture of our VP Wannabe... which will, no doubt, bring in the all those neanderthals who've been breathing in stock car fumes for the last decade.

Lord, help us all!
The best response I've heard to her attack on Obama as a community organizer was from a woman caller on the Diane Rehm Show who said she was a devout christian who was deeply offended by Palin's speech.
She reminded McCain's VP pick that, "Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governer."

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