Friday, August 29, 2008


Other than John McCain's Hail Mary attempt to get elected.

Well, she wants creationism taught in High School science classes.

Thinks polar bears shouldn't get a 'threatened species' designation because it might slow down oil drilling.

Caused the 'city' she was mayor of to spend nearly ten times the amount it might have paid for a sports complex... because she allowed it to be built on someone else's land ...then tried to seize it through eminent domain.

And appointed a sexual harrasser as the head of Alaska's Department of Public Safety

But really, the fact is, she's 44 years old, has no practical national political experience, would be one hearbeat away from becoming president to the oldest elected president in our country (God forbid), would continue undermining laws to benefit the oil industry, left her former hometown's finances in a shambles, admitted to not knowing what a vice president does in an interview two years ago, and is under investigation for abusing the power of her office.

The horrifying thing? She'll probably get elected.

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