The geek in me sometimes comes roaring back.
Half-Life is a first-person shooter video game and, man, I was addicted. Anyway, the game has fansites where devotees of the game write their own fiction using game characters, situations and settings. No, I've never been to one of these sites. I can be geeky but I'm pretty far from pathetic. I've actually kissed a girl. Heck, I even married one.
Anyway, here is a terrific video created to illustrate a 9 year-old's Half-Life fan fiction.
Want a taste before you commit? Here's an excerpt from this brilliantly written story:
"Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had headcrabs. "I cant give you my lisense officer" John Freeman said "Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to John Freeman. "Because you are headcrab zombie" so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster."
The geek in me sometimes comes roaring back.
Half-Life is a first-person shooter video game and, man, I was addicted. Anyway, the game has fansites where devotees of the game write their own fiction using game characters, situations and settings. No, I've never been to one of these sites. I can be geeky but I'm pretty far from pathetic. I've actually kissed a girl. Heck, I even married one.
Anyway, here is a terrific video created to illustrate a 9 year-old's Half-Life fan fiction.
Want a taste before you commit? Here's an excerpt from this brilliantly written story:
"Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had headcrabs. "I cant give you my lisense officer" John Freeman said "Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to John Freeman. "Because you are headcrab zombie" so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster."
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