Thursday, February 15, 2007


Just got back from a screening of Ghost Rider. I hate when the studios screen a film the night before it opens. I was actually assigned to it and Breach but because they both screened tonight Breach went to another reviewer. Lucky bastard. Ghost Rider is a pile of steaming crap. It's jard to believe that Nicholas Cage once won the Oscar for best actor. His performance in this film is laughably bad. What a monumental waste of time, money and talent.

In general, it's been a bad week for films. Last night I watched all the short live action and animated films nominated for an Oscar this year. While the animated selections were delightful, the live action shorts were profoundly underwhelming. The worst, West Bank Story, will probably walk away with the statue. It's crap. A Jews vs. Palestinians spoof of West Side Story. The best, Saviour, was a wicked comic piece about a young door-to-door missionary being led astray by an Australian housewife.

I was scheduled to see Breaking & Entering as well but had childcare issues, so.... Still up, a documentary about photographers of the Cuban revolution. It's gonna be a long night.

But just because I have to watch a bunch of bad movies doesn't mean you have to. Here a bunch of short films that are worth your precious time. Or not. Maybe I want you to suffer like me. Click and find out.

1. Jack Bauer vs. Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
2. Osama Team Hunger Force (damn funny stuff)
3. Today's recipe: Roast Beatbox
4. Learn something. How marbles are made.
5. The Citizen Kane of Hot Wheels road racing movies.

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