Wednesday, February 28, 2007


A few months back I wrote about neocons affection for shows like Battlestar Galactica and 24. With this season's BG making it abundantly clear the show's creators are no fans of the Bush Administration's policies (heck, they all but announce that the evil-robotic Cylons are stand-ins for the US), wingnuts cling to the violent flag-waving wet dream of 24 for dear life.

Now, I'm actually a fan of 24. It's breathtaking pace, twisty cliffhangers and quadruple-cross betrayals are endlessly entertaining. That said, this month's New Yorker makes me feel awfully guilty about watching the show.

Today's rustedeye is dedicated to the punch-him-in-the-throat antics of Jack Bauer.

  1. Whatever It Takes

  2. Life imitates art... unfortunately.

  3. Jack vs The Goonies
  4. 24... Hour Pizza Delivery
  5. Damn It!
  6. Jack played this as a kid

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