Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Not much to say today. Woke up. Worked. Felt frustrated that I didn't get enough work done at my new job. Briefly worried that they'd think they hired the wrong guy. Bought groceries for my wife's birthday dinner. Made said dinner. Ate said dinner. Kids went to bed. Wife and I watched a couple of episodes from last season's Veronica Mars (it's brilliant). Updated blog. Sleep soon. I am officially old and no fun.

  1. Look, up in the sky! It's Samurai Man!
  2. Inappropriate Superhero tie-ins (it's not as funny as I'd hoped)
  3. Galactus Is coming! If you know who Jack Kirby and Jack Chick are, bonus points for you! One's a classic comic book writer, the other is a crackpot Christian who publishes grim little tracts about accepting Jesus or going to hell. Both make a hell of a tuna casserole (or so I've heard).
  4. What happens when superheroes get old.
  5. Finally, these two links ( #1... #2 ) are mucho fun. One imagines superheroes in Renaissance art. The other imagines superhero at their day jobs. Ain't Photoshop a wonderful thing?

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