Friday, January 05, 2007


If you haven't heard about the construction worker who rescued the film student in the New York subway tunnels by now, you probably don't get out much... or live on the other side of the globe.

What I find intriguing about how this story is the way it was covered by the LA Times ("NY subway 'angel' has no regrets") vs the NY Times approach ("Man Is Rescued by Stranger on Subway Tracks" and "Construction Worker One Day, Subway Hero the Next").

One headline focused on the man's act of heroism. The other questioned his potential sacrifice. Does this say something revealing about the West Coast and East Coast? What are your thoughts?

In other news...
  1. The Republican Party remains the party of values.
  2. The only question I have is: can my dog get a happy ending with that?
  3. A collection of the best of the worst newspaper errors from 2006.
  4. Creative sentencing = poetic justice.
  5. Where's Samuel Jackson when you need him?

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