Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, a few years back... actually a lotta years back... the Austin-based musical marvels the Asylum Street Spankers were denied entrance into Canada to play their bar gigs because of an undocumented roster change. So, the entire band --I think it was around 9 at the time-- crashed at my pad in Portland, OR for a few days before their Eugene & Seattle dates. It was a great time and my dog Maggie made lots of new friends. Most memorable was the epic search for weed before a screening of George Lucas's cinematic pile of crap, The Phantom Menace. Equally memorable were the impromptu jam sessions in my living room and backyard.

Anyway, the Spankers have this absolutely brilliant video homage to our country's piss-poor commitment to the troops. Watch it, link it, send emails to friends and family. It's that good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    It IS that good. Hope you sent it to boingboing.
