Friday, December 29, 2006


Sorry for the absence, intrepid readers, my wonderful wife handed me a plane ticket to Seattle for Xmas and so it's been a bit of a whirlwind week for me. I'm using this precious time to get some personal writing done while visiting with friends.

Ain't I a lucky guy?

Anyway, this disturbing statue can be found in Nice, France. It's called TĂȘte au carrĂ©. It reminds me of something you'd see on an Ayn Rand book jacket.

Since I'm on vacation, I thought I'd offer up some vacation-themed links. Enjoy!

  1. This may be the ultimate B&B.
  2. World vacation rankings. A country by country comparison of time off. Guess which family values Western-Industrial nation ranks near the bottom?
  3. A really scary hiking trail. Really scary. No, really really scary.
  4. Visit exotic lands. Become depressed by what we do to them. This is actually an amazing site that features multimedia storytelling. I've only watched the Kurdistan piece but it was terrific.
  5. Planning on a visit to Victoria, BC? Be sure to check out the world's most high-tech public toilet. "Beam my BM up, Scotty!"

Finally, this last link has nothing to do with my theme but it's damn funny. It's made the Internet rounds over the past week but if you haven't seen SNL's digital short "A Special Christmas Box" it's well worth your 2 1/2 minutes.

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