Tuesday, November 07, 2006


So, I'll be at the polls today casting my vote in what I hope will be a Democratic landslide. This country has been so horribly and criminally mismanaged that I'd support a crate full of vegetables over the current Republican-led Congress. It's weird to think that we may have lived through the single worst presidency in the history of our country. This election is a chance to blunt the effects of two more years of incompetence, corruption and fraud.

Locally, I'm hoping to keep the shifty-eyed heir to Amway, Dick DeVos, from gaining the govenorship. I'm not a big fan of Jennifer Granholm --I think she's been a less than inspired technocrat-- but I have no doubt DeVos would be a complete disaster... especially with a Republican controlled legislature that parallels the thinking of the Bush administration. His position on Intelligent Design alone sends shivers down my spine.

So, if you intend to vote Democrat, get out there early and drag your friends along with you. Help stop the insidious policies of a party more interested in its own power than the good of our country.

With a little luck our votes may actually get counted.

  1. Remember the Kerry-Bush debates? Wonder what that box was under Bush's jacket? The truth is revealed here.
  2. "Dude, like we are so totally prepared for the really stupid terrorists. The smart ones? Er... not so much." [link]
  3. You military-industrial dollars at work. [link]
  4. Virginia Republicans prove once again that fair and honest elections mean nothing to them. Read about robo-calls where they claim to be the "Elections Commission" and threaten Democratic voters with arrest if they show up at the polls. The link even includes a recording of the message. [link]
  5. I don't know how long it'll be up but you can see all of HBO's documentary Hacking Democracy if you follow the link. It is an eye-opening expose on the vulnerability of our voting system and how our right to free and fair elections isn't safe.
  6. Need a voter guide from your state. Get it here.
  7. Could this system restore integrity to our voting process?
  8. Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Rolling Stone article.
  9. Hacker recruited to throw election testifies. [link] or here.
  10. Ever wonder just how rich you are? Find out here.

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