The best laid plans...
...got hobbled by a crushing bacterial bug this weekend. So, my posts are a little late. Mea culpa.
Why is it that the only time I get to indulge in countless hours of sleep is when I'm too sick to enjoy them. Between Saturday and Sunday morning I racked up 16 hours or so of snooze time. Had I been healthy, this would have ranked as one of my best vacations ever. Unfortunately, it was a bodily act of necessity.
I certainly hope your Thanksgiving was more enjoyable than mine.
Whenever I'm holidaying (feel free to use this nifty new verb) news of the world fades from view. Thus, I was surprised to discover that esteemed filmmaker Robert Altman passed away. If any of you saw his last film, A Prairie Home Companion, it was pretty obvious that mortality was on the director's mind. Too bad it wasn't a better film.
Anyway, here are a few news items you may have missed:
- Strange justice is better than no justice at all. [link]
- How do you say "plausible deniability" in Russian. [link]
- Ah, yes, the little known "simulating weapons of mass destruction" provision in the Patriot Act. Good thing the arrestees were only zombies. [link]
- So, this 16 year old actress signs up to play the Virgin Mary in the Christian film feature The Nativity Story and... stop me if you've heard this one before... [link]
- And finally, a heart warming story involving a skate park. Really. [link]
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