Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I discovered this nifty site that will make an anagram of your name (or anything else you might enter). Rudest anagram of RUSTEDEYE? Why that would be TURD SEE YE.

John Maynard Keynes once said, "Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought on the unthinking."

With that in mind I offer up these linguistic tidbits:
  1. In Latin, the word disco means "I learn." I also think it means "women beware."
  2. The origin of the word "checkmate" is the Persian phrase, Shah Mat, which means "the king is dead."
  3. The word 'gymnasium' comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means to exercise naked... which, I suppose, was done a lot in ancient Greece. No wonder condoms are called Trojans.
  4. The word avocado comes from the Spanish word aguacate which is derived from the Aztec word ahuacati which means testicle. Yum!
  5. My pal Jeff Sherwood informs me that, in German, nipple is brustwarze, which consists of brust (breast) and warze (wart). Breast wart. Sexy!
  6. In a non-related bit of trivia, actor Lorne Greene had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was host of Lorne Greene's Wild Kingdom.
  7. The names of the three wise monkeys are: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil) and Mazaru (Speak no evil). Now, if only they had a monkey for 'Fart no evil.'
  8. Anasteemaphilia is an attraction to a person because of a difference in height. Which means, unless you end up with someone exactly your height, we all suffer from this condition.
  9. The pound sign (#) is called an octothorp.
  10. If you fear offending your foreign hosts, these handy tips will save you the humiliation of a cultural faux pas.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The Keynes quote reminded me of a quote I read the other day in in a William Styron obit. It is by Flaubert - Styron hung it on a sign outside his workroom:

    "Be regular and orderly in your life, like a good bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work."
