Okay, so I have no idea where this statue is from... but I would like to see him write his name in the snow.
For those of you just joining my merry blog, occassionally I post a photo of a bizarre or amusing statue from around the globe. Most of the time I can provide a little history and context. This time... sorry. I have no clue. I'm guessing it's from some Norwegian country. They're known for freaky stuff like this.
Anyway, continuing on my consumer kick, here are some more links inspired by those inspired by Adam Smith. Caio!
- Stick it to the man! ... after you buy something from him.
- Amazon's Secret Price Guarantee
- No Birthday would be complete without the Vulva Puppet. Now you know what I want for Christmas.
- The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Call Center Service.
- It's not your Grand Pappy's pogo stick.
- 32-Bit Technology! Only $2599! 2MB expansion board, only $799.
- Nope, it's soap. (I really really want this for my Birthday)